Thank you!

On this page, I want to pay special attention to all my sponsors, also to those who are not visible on the bike. Like many sportsmen, I am very grateful for the support I receive to achieve my goals.

Not only because of the financial contributions, but also for all the help received in the form of advice, physical support and getting the bike ready for the races. Only because of all these forms of support a racing season can become a success. Therefore I would like to thank everybody (again) who is not mentioned below.

It is common for race teams to set up the so-called "club of 50" and "club of 100". Although we did not dare to dream, many times contributions of around 250 euro have been made. I am very grateful for these contributions and I want to thank these people for their support. Therefore, we have decided to also introduce the "club of 250" and name all the clubs to the stairs on the podium. Do you also want to be a bronze, silver or golden sponsor? Please scroll to the bottom of this page or contribute right here and mention your medal of choice in the messagebox.

Also, I cannot show enough gratitude to all (personal) sponsors you can find on my bike. I am very proud that the companies mentioned below showed their trust in our goals by putting their name to my racebike. We could call them diamond or even platinum sponsors, but no doubt it is awesome that they decided (again) to join forces and become part of our dream to finish as high as possible in the Dutch roadrace competition and other races all around the world. We are doing our utmost best to make them proud too.

Title sponsor
Our title sponsor: click here for more information

Benefits for this sponsor consist of the full fairing of the bike being painted in the colors of your preference, for example your company colors, and your logo's at a prominent place on my bike, my suit, our website and other media. At all entries for races, race results, race reports and other communications, the name of your company will be mentioned, amongst other benefits. No opportunity will be unutilized to put your company in the spotlight. In case this triggers your interest, I would be happy to inform you about the possibities. Perhaps my enthousiasm about this great sport is catching.

Without a formal title sponsor resulting in a full color bike, our main sponsor (see below) will automatically act as the title sponsor at race entries and race results when no other arrangement has been made.

In 2018 we made a special arrangement with Verhuurcentrum Binnenmaas. They helped me out with the transportation of my racebike and gear to various events and supported me at the races itself. I am very proud to say that my racing season in 2018 was powered by Verhuurcentrum Binnenmaas. Please have a look at their website by clicking the logo below when you are searching for a good company to rent tower wagon, diggers or other (heavy) construction site materials you would need to make your project a success!

Thanks again for the support in 2018 and I am very happy to announce the director of Verhuurcentrum Binnenmaas confirmed his support to help me reach my goals in 2019 and 2020!

You logo on the bike? A racebike in the Dutch championship in the colors of your company? And of course enjoying all other benefits of being a title sponsor? Let us know when you are interested.

Main sponsor
Our main sponsor in 2018 was Dalenburg Transport B.V. (click their logo to go to their website):
An all-round transportation company specialized in national and international sea container transport.

We are delighted to welcome them as our main sponsor in 2018. Awesome that you are participating!

(click on the truck above for a quotation)

(click on the truck above for a quotation)

Associate sponsors
The other sponsors on the BMW S1000RR bike are (please click on the logo for the related website):

Bosch Car Service F.van der Schoor

Bosch Car Service
F.van der Schoor

Ook deze bedrijven wil ik hierbij (nogmaals) hartelijk danken voor hun bijdrage!

Do you also want to see your name or the name of your company on the bike or do you know someone who wants to be part of our dream? Please do not hesitate to contact us, so I can inform you about the possibilities.

Below we would like to thank all golden, silver and bronze sponsors who have contributed to our racing goals.

Naturally we like to give something back. The least we could do is the listing below. All those people and companies deserve special mention. Besides this listing, every status has certain benefits, which we are happy to let you know.

In any case, the paddock and all stands are free to enter so you can watch the action closely on the track as well as between the mobile homes and mechanics at work on the paddock. There is (almost) always time for some meet and greet and we have drinks for every fan that comes to the track to support us. I owieso zijn bij alle wedstrijden de paddock en de tribunes vrij toegankelijk dus zowel de actie op de baan als in het rennerskwartier is van dichtbij mee te maken. Daarnaast maken we altijd even tijd voor een praatje en is er wat te drinken voor alle fans die komen kijken. Want als je komt kijken zie je pas echt hoe gaaf dit is.


"the 250 club"

1st place, Dijon 27/7/2017

1st place, Dijon 27/7/2017

The number of members of the 250 club has exceeded all my expectations. To show my appreciation we held a big BBQ last year for these members (and their guests) during the final race weekend. According to the attendees this was a big success. That is why we intend to organize such a BBQ again, also during the season. The members of this club are invited at both of these BBQ's with their guest (free of charge).

Thank you:

E. Arkenbout (Elise)
J. van Heyningen (Jorien)
D. Quaak (Dave)
R. Meijer (Rob & Ella)
A. van der Schoor (Addy)
M. Wintersberger (Scooter Mitch)
J. Meesters (Joris & Michelle)

We hope to see you next year!


"the 100 club"

2nd, Assen 6/6/2015

2nd, Assen 6/6/2015

The second place in a race is most of the times least appreciated. When you are the first, you have won the race. If you are third, you are happy you still got a medal. Silver is underestimated. How different this is with regard to the members of this club. We really want to pay a tribute to this club. All members will be personally updated about my progress this season and will get an invitation for a free BBQ during the finals.

Thank you:

E. Koese (Quattrocyclindrica op MF)
A.J.M. Dekker (Andy)
Bliksem Transport Rotterdam B.V.
T.H. Kanters (Dennis)
M. Saneie (Milad)
R. Heijstek (Rody)
J. van de Velde (Jacco)
L. van Nieuwenhuijzen (Leo)
K. Acar (Kemal)
P. van Es (Peter)
H. Timmers (Hugo)

We hope to see you next year!


"the 50 club"

3rd, Oschersleben 26/8/2017

3rd, Oschersleben 26/8/2017

Our third place at Oschersleben in 2017 after the crash in Dijon felt just as good as a victory. The third place is bronze and we hereby would like to thank all members of this club. Not only do we want to mention them here, we will also update them personally about our progress through social media.

Thank you:


Bronze sponsors are just as important to reach our goals. Last year, we have made it through the season without members of this club but we want to let you know we appreciate them just as much as any other contributor.

Everyone who is curious about the possibilities to contribute, do not hesitate to call us, send an e-mail or step by. Making a contribution directly is also possible, but please let us know. We would like to show are gratitude to anyone who is contributing. Please send us an e-mail or WhatsApp or put your email or telephone number in the description field of your money transfer. We want to get in touch with you personally!

Bank account: NL14 INGB 0006 8183 83 by the name of W. van Heyningen (Wouter)
Bank registration code (BIC): INGBNL2A
Bank address (if necessary):
ING  Bank N.V.
Foreign Operations
PO Box 1800
1000 BV Amsterdam

Please cut and paste the bank account number to prevent mistakes or send a WhatsApp or SMS to +31628243901 so we can help you with your contribution. Thank you very much in advance.

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